Software / Blockchain

What Is A Blockchain? Explanation For Novices

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been the focus of general interest for some time. And with it, blockchain technology makes this concept possible in the first place. Crypto and forex trading made blockchain known to investors.

Definition: What is a blockchain?

The term blockchain comes from English and means blockchain. The “blocks” stand for individual data records that are saved one after the other, creating a kind of data record chain.

In principle, the blockchain is nothing more than a large database that begins with an original block wherein new data blocks are always added chronologically once they have been confirmed and checked. It, therefore, depicts a history of data records.

What is special about the blockchain database is that it is a distributed database. This means that every person who takes part in the blockchain system keeps a complete copy of the information history on their PC. This procedure considerably increases security against manipulation.  There are still many correct copies even if a copy is manipulated. The manipulated information record can merely be “sorted out”. Furthermore, the order of the blocks is secured additionally by a checksum. This avoids the order of the blocks being changed later.

While blockchain is used widely for financial transactions, it is significant to understand that it is not limited to one kind of information. You can also use it for bookkeeping or for backing up texts, music, or photos.

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What can blockchain technology be used for?


Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most famous application examples of this technology.

Cryptos are a digital form of currency that is traded and exchanged like normal paper currency. Nonetheless, unlike paper currencies, cryptos are not controlled by financial institutions or the government. You should also know that not all cryptocurrencies are alike. Each has its unique characteristics and uses. You can read fxview broker review and know how you can be successful in crypto and forex trading.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are contracts that are based on blockchain technology and do not require a third party to guarantee legal certainty. Moreover, smart contracts can come into force automatically under certain conditions.

A practical application example of this procedure is software licensing. Smart contracts make it much easier for the user to purchase licenses. However, the licensed seller also has advantages when making use of Smart Contracts. For instance, it is possible for customers to deactivate automatically access to the licensed software when they miss payments.
